Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wrapping with Children

I swear, wrapping presents with children around should be an Olympic sport.
First off, no matter where you hide, they will find you. Especially the toddler. It's like you send out some kind of beacon.
Next, try wrapping stuff while someone is climbing you like you are Mt. Everest. And wishing you had about 8 arms because you have to keep the scissors and tape up and out of reach, but not too far because you know, you are actually still using tape and scissors.
Also, once the older kids find out you are wrapping things they will start carting in random crap to wrap for each other. Because there aren't enough things wrapped for them under the tree. Then there will be tears because child 2 can't open child 1's gift. Child 1 will get upset that child 2 saw what they are wrapping. And you start wondering if it's acceptable to drink at 10 am.
So, if it's January before you get gifts, just be glad one of the kids isn't included in the box.

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